Collaclot and Pet First aid for bleeding

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Managing Amputation in Animals: COLLACLOT™ Procedure


In this discussion, we'll explore the process of managing an amputation in an animal, using a toy dog as an illustrative example.

Understanding Amputation Severity

Variability: The severity of an amputation can vary, with some cases resulting in minimal bleeding while others pose a risk of significant blood loss.

Immediate Concerns: Life-threatening blood loss and the risk of infection from exposed bone are primary concerns.

Managing the Situation

Priority: Keep the animal calm, seek assistance, and be cautious of potential aggressive behaviour due to pain and distress.

Utilising COLLACLOT™: This product covers and protects the wound, preventing bacterial growth with its natural properties.

Application of COLLACLOT™

Procedure: Place COLLACLOT™ over the wound, avoiding direct pressure on exposed bone by using a dressing with a hole cut into it.

Ensuring Coverage: COLLACLOT™ can be packed around the wound for maximum coverage, if necessary.

Securing with Dressings

Additional Protection: Apply a dressing over COLLACLOT™, ensuring the hole aligns with the exposed bone, and secure it with a cohesive bandage.

Seeking Veterinary Attention

Important Note: Do not remove any dressings before reaching the vet. The priority is to stabilise the animal and seek immediate professional medical attention.

Transport Considerations: Depending on the situation, some steps may be taken during transport, but the primary goal remains prompt veterinary care.